Tag Archives: Ralph McQuarrie

Reviews: New Comics 2nd October (Dark Horse)

the star wars 2The Star Wars #02

A further glimpse into how things could have been, this series is full of history and Easter eggs for all the hardcore Star Wars fans, the ones who will recognise the name of Bail being dropped or recognise the original concept art (normally by Ralph McQuarrie) being subtly placed in every panel will get the most out of this series. It does however, so far anyway, stand completely alone from the well-known Star Wars universe, so you don’t need any previous knowledge to enjoy it. Everything seen and said in this issue is completely different, and yet extremely familiar at the same time and it is written in such a way that what you think you know is normally wrong and for me the role reversal of Luke Skywalker from Jedi wannabe to feared general now training Annikin is fascinating to read (no “I am your father” between these two in this series!). The artwork is great at keeping everything set in that galaxy far, far away and the only character who is essentially the same as the movie version (Princess Leia) looks exactly as she should (famous hair buns and all). My only tiny issue with it is in a couple of panels a certain amount of creepiness has appeared on some of the faces, but it is literally only 2 panels so it certainly doesn’t effect the whole issue.


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